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Headshot of Sara Nicely

Sara Nicely, DHEd, PA-C joined the Radford University (then Jefferson College of Health Sciences) Physician Assistant (PA) Program faculty in June 2010.  She began her career in academia as an adjunct professor and transitioned to a full-time Assistant Professor within one year.  She was promoted to Associate Professor in May 2016.  At the same time, Dr. Nicely moved into the position of Program Director for the PA program. Dr. Nicely became the Chair of the newly developed Department of PA Studies in July 2019 at the time of the institutional merger with Radford University.

Dr. Nicely received her undergraduate Bachelor of Arts degrees from Roanoke College in Biology and Medical Technology in 2000. She then attended the College of Health Sciences (now Radford University) to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Physician Assistant studies, graduating in 2002.  Dr. Nicely’s clinical background is primarily surgical, having been employed in rural general surgery clinics in Virginia and West Virginia as well as serving on the Trauma and Surgical Critical Care services at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital (CRMH).  Dr. Nicely continues to practice clinically with the surgical teams at CRMH.

Dr. Nicely currently serves as the President of the Virginia Academy of PAs and serves on a number of committees for Radford University, Carilion, and the Medical Society of Virginia.  In her free time, Dr. Nicely enjoys watching her children participate in numerous activities and spending time in Florida (Orlando particularly) or at the beach!