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Ph.D., West Virginia University
M.A., West Virginia University
B.A., Winona State University

Developmental Psychology

Dr. Steele earned her PhD in Lifespan Developmental Psychology at West Virginia University. The Well-Being and Engagement across the Lifespan Lab (WELL) involves students interested in investigating how cognitive and social engagement impacts physical and mental well-being across the lifespan. Her most recent projects investigate issues such as ageism, sexual well-being in late life, life review, social support impacts on college student health, and use of cognitive interventions, such as spaced-retrieval, on engagement and well-being among older adults with moderate to advanced dementia.

Selected Publications or Presentations  (* denotes graduate or undergraduate student authors)

*Carle, B. A., *Flood, G. E., Pierce, T. W., Arnold, K. M, Aspelmeier, J. A., & Steele, J. C. (2024).

A comparison of lifelines recalled by older adults and anticipated by younger adults. The International Journal of Reminiscence and Life Review, 10(1), 16-22.

Pierce, T. W., Steele, J. C., *Flood, G., Elliott, A. (2018). Ethical considerations for student-based reminiscence projects. International Journal of Reminiscence and Life Review, 6(1), 34-39.

Patrick, J.H., Steele, J.C., & Spencer, M.S. (2013). Decision-making processes and outcomes Journal of Aging Research, Article ID 367208, 1-7.

Spencer, S. M., Patrick, J. H., Steele, J. C. (2009). An exploratory look at preferences for seven long-term care options. Senior Housing and Care Journal, 17(1), 91-99.

*Calderon, E., *Mills, E., *Woods, S., *Spencer, S., *Lewis, Z., Clark, M. S., Steele, J. C., & Pierce, T. W. (March, 2024). The heart’s symphony: Connecting health and stress through social support. Poster presented at the 70th Annual Southeastern Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.

*James, C., Pierce, T. W., Tsai, P. C., Steele, J. C. (August, 2023). The mediating and moderating

effects of age and sexual attitudes on the relationship between age-related stigma and sexual behaviors in older adults. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.

Courses taught in the Psychology Department

  • PSYC 660 – Human Growth and Lifespan Development (Graduate)
  • PSYC 491 – Topical Research in Psychology 
  • PSYC 302 – Research Methods
  • PSYC 301 – Analysis of Psychological Data
  • PSYC 230 – Lifespan Developmental Psychology