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CHEM 111

CHEM 111: General Chemistry I (GE)

Credit Hours: (4) Three hours lecture; three hours laboratory  

Prerequisites: CHEM 110 or a satisfactory score on math placement exam approved by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

The first of two introductory courses in chemistry. This course is required for all chemistry majors and is recommended for all other science majors.

Note(s): General Education and Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (R) designated course.  Students whose major requires upper-level chemistry courses must take CHEM 111: CHEM 112. A student may receive a maximum of 8 hours credit for General Chemistry.

Detailed Description of Content of the Course

The following topics will be covered:

    1) Experiment and Measurement
    2) Atoms, Molecules, and Ions
    3) Chemical Reactions
    4) Aqueous Solution Reactions
    5) Thermochemistry and Energy
    6) Gas Laws
    7) Periodic Trends
    8) Electronic Structure of the Atom
    9) Ionic Compounds and Covalent Bonds
    10) Bond Theories and Lewis Dot Structures

Detailed Description of Conduct of the Course

Exams, quizzes, and homework will be given throughout the semester to evaluate the student's mastery of the lecture material. For the laboratory portion of the course, each student is required to submit, for a grade, a copy of notebook entries containing the experimental procedure and results. The notebook contains the constants, equations, mechanisms, procedures,observations, percent yields, and all other applicable calculations.

Goals and Objectives of the course

After successful completion of General Chemistry I, the student will be able to:

1) Master the topics listed above.
2) Conduct assigned experiments safely and with good laboratory technique.
3) Communicate chemical concepts clearly and accurately.
4) Design, Conduct and interpret the results of laboratory investigations.
5) Use of modern instruments and interpretation of data from them.

Assessment Measures

Graded tasks may include tests, quizzes, homework exercises, papers, and laboratory notebooks.

Other Course Information

This course is primarily intended for students majoring in chemistry and other sciences.


Review and Approval

September 2001 Reviewed by Walter S. Jaronski, Chair

April 24, 2018

March 01, 2021

June, 2023