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ESHE 391

ESHE 391: Exercise Science

Prerequisite: BIOL 310  

Credit Hours: (3)

Provides an understanding of the biomechanical and physiological aspects of physical activity. The course includes: immediate and long term effect of physical training and sport performance; an analysis of human motion from a mechanical perspective; muscular and metabolic functioning of various systems; and application of principles of their area of study.

Detailed Description of Content of Course

This course provides an understanding of the physiology of exercise and its importance for humans engaging in physical activity.


1. Physiological systems
2. Long-term and short-term effects of exercise on all human body systems
3. Performance assessment
4. Apply this knowledge to physical fitness, athletics and physical activity
5. Anatomical foundations of human motion
6. Mechanics of skilled movement
7. Principles of basic motor skills
8. Fundamental movement concepts
9. Structure and function of joints
10. Muscular system and neuromuscular function as related to movement.

Detailed Description of Conduct of Course

Course information will be presented through a wide variety of teaching methods that may include, but are not limited to: Lecture, presentations, video analysis, hands-on activity labs, equipment use (exercise equipment, stethoscopes, blood pressure cuff and calipers, bio-electrical impedance), group projects, presentations, discussions.

Goals and Objectives of the Course

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental planes and axes.
2. Identify major joints, types of joints, and describe possible movement.
3. Demonstrate knowledge of factors contributing to joint stability and range of motion (ROM).
4. Name major muscles at each major joint and describe their function.
5. Describe three types of muscle contraction and give examples during common exercises.
6. Describe three classes of levers in the body and give examples during common exercises.
7. Analyze several weight-training exercises for muscle actions and joint involvement.
8. Explain the basic body systems and how they respond to physical activity.
9. Apply concepts of exercise physiology to solve problems related to sport, fitness, or other movements.
10. Identify basic concepts of physiology of exercise through activity experiments
11. Identify and explain ways to use activity to maintain a healthy/fit body and/or train for sports.
12. Use physiological and biomechanical concepts to enhance physical activity and fitness.
13. Use motor learning principles to enhance physical activity and fitness
14. Analyze motor skills and performance concepts.


Assessment Measures

May include but are not limited to the following: Written exams, quizzes, written assignments, group projects, reflections.


Other Course Information



Review and Approval

April 20, 2018
May, 2011
Revised September, 2008